Rainbow Tourmaline Bracelet
Rainbow Tourmaline Bracelet
In the realm of gems, stands proud Tourmaline, With colors that nature's brush doth combine. A wondrous sight, a rainbow's delight, Its hues enchant with every ray of light. In crystal form, this gem does display, A pyroelectric wonder, some might say. It's cherished for its healing embrace, Calming the heart and mind with grace. With electric properties, it's quite unique, Piezoelectric too, for those who seek. No two stones alike in its magical trance, A gemstone of chance, a cosmic dance. From green to pink, or blue to black, Tourmaline's beauty, there's no lack. For those who wear this gemstone's art, A rainbow's gift, close to the heart.
A - 13.2mm [Weight: 2.01oz]
B - 12.8mm [Weight: 1.73oz]
C - 13.8mm [Weight: 2.22oz]
D - 13.7mm [Weight: 2.15oz]
*All bracelets are sized around 7-7.5in*